Personal description of each bus. You can print this screen to have a good help in future. All information: spaciousness, service appeal, speed, price and availability in the game.
BAR Mc-4 BAR Mc-4 is showed on the route.BAR Mc-4 - the best solution from the BAR series. Big spaciousness, the most reasonable price (for these attributes). What else do you need for better way to start a new route. This vehicle is available since the beginning of game so you`ll able to use it when you want to.30.000


Spaciousness Appeal Speed Price Availability
40 25 50 60.000 Beginning

trans-awards voting (select a point which corresponds with this unit)
I often use it. It has a nice design. It gives good performance attributes. It`s effeciency. It`s uneffenciency. It gives a good income your general mark (12-numerical):
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